2. Understanding the NODES
Common queries answered:
Your NFT nodes are transferrable (you can move your NFT nodes in between wallets however you like)
Your NFT nodes have a secondary marketplace (you can buy/sell NFT nodes however you wish on TofuNFT)
All FTM royalties collected on the secondary marketplace flow to the treasury and are used for the replenishment of the rewards pool by conducting token buybacks or for floor sweeping by buying out NFT nodes (This has been deprecated with the introduction of xHNR token which has an elastic supply)
There is a node cap (no new nodes can be acquired, the only way to acquire a node is through TofuNFT and Samurai NFT OTC solution)
All NFT nodes have embedded RPC endpoints (expanding the real sense of ownership of RPC endpoints)
The protocol utilises a dynamic rewards pool rather than static rewards (the protocol takes into account its performance by considering metrics such as traded volume, HNR tokens in rewards pool, HNR token price volatility, etc. (This has been deprecated - the reward rate of the dynamic pool is determined by the amount of xHNR allocated/minted to the relevant rewards pool, which was previously at the discretion of the core team and is now governed by the protocol's governance structure)
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