SIP-18: Implement, adopt and enforce an update to Samurai Node NFT RPC Endpoints


This proposal suggests for the protocol to implement, adopt and enforce an update to the existing smart contract that enables, facilitates and provides access to the RPC endpoints that are accessible and usable to Samurai Node NFT holders.

The proposal suggests for the NFT metadata within the smart contracts to be changed appropriately, to a newly developed solution.

Enacting the NFT metadata change shall enable Samurai Node NFT holders to be provided access to RPC endpoints that are compatible with the Ethereum and Arbitrum blockchains and that have deprecated Avalanche (AVAX) C-Chain endpoints. The enactment of this change would thus increase the availability of RPC endpoints from three blockchains to four, effectively expanding the coverage and scope of the RPC endpoints facilitated by Samurai Node NFTs, while mitigating the use of RPC endpoints on blockchains with less user activity.

Shall the proposal and the consequent NFT metadata adjustment be approved, the newly developed solution will improve the current security of Samurai Node NFTs and the RPC endpoints, as a result of newly implemented ID elements. The newly added ID elements would be checked and verified upon their usage.


Edit the current RPC URLs embedded in NFT metadata.

Call setURIForBase function on contract 0x4f89c90E64AE57eaf805Ff2Abf868fE2aD6c55f3 to set the new base URI for the new NFT metadata which embed the RPC URLs

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